#include <BoxQP.h>
template<int VarDim>
struct nmpc_ddp::BoxQP< VarDim >::Configuration
Definition at line 33 of file BoxQP.h.
◆ armijo_param
Armijo parameter (fraction of linear improvement required)
Definition at line 54 of file BoxQP.h.
◆ grad_thre
Termination threshold of non-fixed gradient.
Definition at line 42 of file BoxQP.h.
◆ max_iter
Maximum iteration of optimization loop.
Definition at line 39 of file BoxQP.h.
◆ min_step
Minimum stepsize for linesearch.
Definition at line 51 of file BoxQP.h.
◆ print_level
Print level (0: no print, 1: print only important, 2: print verbose, 3: print very verbose)
Definition at line 36 of file BoxQP.h.
◆ rel_improve_thre
Termination threshold of relative improvement.
Definition at line 45 of file BoxQP.h.
◆ step_factor
Factor for decreasing stepsize.
Definition at line 48 of file BoxQP.h.
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
- /home/runner/work/NMPC/NMPC/catkin_ws/src/NMPC/nmpc_ddp/include/nmpc_ddp/BoxQP.h