Namespaces | Classes
CCC Namespace Reference




class  ComZmpModelJerkInput
 State-space model of CoM-ZMP dynamics with CoM jerk input and ZMP output. More...
class  DcmTracking
 Walking control based on tracking of divergent component of motion (DCM). More...
class  DdpCentroidal
 Differential dynamic programming (DDP) for centroidal model. More...
class  DdpSingleRigidBody
 Differential dynamic programming (DDP) for centroidal model with single rigid-body dynamics (SRBD) approximation. More...
class  DdpZmp
 Differential dynamic programming (DDP) for CoM-ZMP model. More...
class  FootGuidedControl
 Foot-guided control. More...
class  FootGuidedControl1d
 Foot-guided control for one-dimensional motion. More...
class  IntrinsicallyStableMpc
 QP-based MPC with stability constraint for CoM-ZMP model. More...
class  IntrinsicallyStableMpc1d
 QP-based MPC with stability constraint for one-dimensional CoM-ZMP model. More...
class  InvariantSequentialExtension
 Sequential extension for time-invariant system. More...
class  LinearMpcXY
 Linear MPC of translational and rotational x,y-component motion considering predefined z-component motion. More...
class  LinearMpcZ
 Linear MPC of translational z-component motion. More...
class  LinearMpcZmp
 QP-based linear MPC for CoM-ZMP model. More...
class  LinearMpcZmp1d
 QP-based linear MPC for one-dimensional CoM-ZMP model. More...
class  PreviewControl
 Preview control. More...
class  PreviewControlCentroidal
 Preview control for centroidal model. More...
class  PreviewControlCentroidal1d
 Preview control for one-dimensional centroidal model. More...
class  PreviewControlZmp
 Preview control for CoM-ZMP model. More...
class  PreviewControlZmp1d
 Preview control for one-dimensional CoM-ZMP model. More...
class  SingularPreviewControlZmp
 Singular preview control for CoM-ZMP model. More...
class  SingularPreviewControlZmp1d
 Singular preview control for one-dimensional CoM-ZMP model. More...
class  StateSpaceModel
 State-space model. More...
class  StepMpc
 Linear MPC based on discrete dynamics on step switching. More...
class  StepMpc1d
 Linear MPC based on one-dimensional discrete dynamics on step switching. More...
class  VariantSequentialExtension
 Sequential extension for time-variant system. More...