This is the complete list of members for CCC::LinearMpcZ, including all inherited members.
_StateSpaceModel typedef | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
force_range_ | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
horizon_dt_ | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
horizon_steps_ | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
InitialParam typedef | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
LinearMpcZ(double mass, double horizon_dt, int horizon_steps, const WeightParam &weight_param=WeightParam(), QpSolverCollection::QpSolverType qp_solver_type=QpSolverCollection::QpSolverType::Any) | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
mass_ | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
model_contact_ | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
model_noncontact_ | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
planOnce(const std::function< bool(double)> &contact_func, const std::function< double(double)> &ref_pos_func, const InitialParam &initial_param, double current_time) | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
procOnce(const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< _StateSpaceModel >> &model_list, const StateDimVector ¤t_x, const Eigen::VectorXd &ref_pos_seq) | CCC::LinearMpcZ | protected |
qp_coeff_ | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
qp_solver_ | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
state_dim_ | CCC::LinearMpcZ | static |
StateDimVector typedef | CCC::LinearMpcZ | |
weight_param_ | CCC::LinearMpcZ |